Laparoscopy ovarian drilling is one of the treatments that are used to help you get pregnant if you have polycystic ovary syndrome. Online nutritionists say that weight loss PCOS diet, PCOS weight loss tips, weight loss plan for PCOS should help you with your condition. But along with weight loss PCOS diet, PCOS diet for pregnancy you can go for laparoscopic ovarian drilling.

With this treatment of laparoscopy ovarian drilling, your ovulation chances and menstrual cycles will improve.

What is Laparoscopy Ovarian Drilling?

Laparoscopy ovarian drilling is a surgical treatment that can trigger ovulation in women suffering with PCOS.

Online nutritionists say that the recovery after this procedure is pretty quick. It varies from person to person. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling won’t cure your PCOS but rather it is a treatment to treat infertility for women with PCOS. After the surgery, you are likely to return home the same day. You can also resume your normal activities after that. The recovery time can be a few days or maximum up to 2 to 4 weeks. The recovery time depends on the person.

The procedure:

This is not a very common surgery. In the procedure, the surgeon makes a small cut on the abdomen. Then a tube is placed in the abdomen. The tube contains a small amount of carbon dioxide.  Through the laparoscope, the surgeon looks at the internal organs.

This surgery has approximately 50% success rate. Before deciding to undergo this surgery, you must have a talk with your doctor.

Risks involved:

There may also be some risks involved with this procedure, which may include:

  • Pain after the procedure.
  • Scarring inside the body.
  • Early menopause.
  • Infection

Other options for infertility due to PCOS:

Online nutritionists believe that PCOS and nutrition go with each other. Hence for treating infertility due to PCOS you should try various diet plans. The diet plans include PCOS diet for pregnancy, PCOS weight loss diet etc. You can consult online nutritionists for this. Diet plans for PCOS do not pose any risk and are effective.


Best dietician for PCOS| PCOS diet for pregnancy| PCOS weight loss diet